Sunday, February 27, 2011

A big switch

The Managerial path is always the path that I work hard for. I was so excited after hearing that I finally have the chance to step into it.

Last week, I formally entered into the managerial world. It's probably not a big deal to a lot of people in my field. Most of the people I know would rather staying technical. However, it's a big deal for me. It has been a dream ever since I joined the work force. So I am beyond excited to learn of the news.

There will be lots of challenges ahead of me. I hope I will have the energy to document some of my challenges here so that I can learn a few tearful stories when looking back one day.

A week into it, I was already exhausted.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I haven't updated this blog for nearly 3 years!

Saturday, June 14, 2008


工作一切如常, 没有甚麼驚喜, 亦都没有太多的驚嚇.

開始小試牛刀,才覺得萬事眞喺開頭難,以前總喺對做老闆嘅朋輩有着諸多嘅良言. 但現下,經歷了只喺好初步的計劃, 已經疲惫不已. 經過一輪的勞碌先突然感覺到以前的良言其實喺幼稚得可以!

理論不經實踐總只是理論. 再次要勉勵自己, 失敗乃成功之母. 希望再接再勵!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


讀書時因貪玩同埋聽人講心理學又易讀易攞高分,所以讀咗科101, 不過因資質有限, 係好玩, 但就冇セ記性, D嘢水過鴨背, 分就攞唔到高, 不過印象中因睇到好多實例, 都幾好玩.

硬係書到用時方恨少, 最近有D談判嘅機會, 不過就硬係覺得自己太緊張, 太wordy, 唔係太捉到對方嘅思路. 唔知係咪人老咗, 諗嘅嘢同眞係講嘅嘢總係有D唔協條. 曾經有過西人同仕話曾經睇過同參加過Dtraining, 佢而家可以人哋問佢一條佢唔喺好識答嘅問題, 但佢仍可以提出10種唔同嘅方案去buy多D嘅時間去come up with個solution. sigh... 呢D未喺強人囉!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Back to the zone

After a week of pure relaxation, coming back to work is definitely a drag. But oh well, this is life, I supposed.

I'd like to share some thoughts about interviews. Our company is currently looking for 'associate' developer, a nicer name for a Junior, I supposed, and I was amazed by how good quality of the candidates were by looking at their resume. If I were to be brutally honest, I felt kinda intimated by them. The applicants that we've seen so far all have Master degree, and all of them have real work experience as well, they are all in their 30s.

I think sitting at the interviewer side of the table should definitely benefit me if I ever attempt to be on the other side. From 'this side', I've got to pay more attention to the other side of the table. Not sure if the metro-side of me got into the way, but the first thing I found myself curious to see was the first impression. Did they dress appropriately? Did they know how to do the handshake? And then of course, in the killing boring technical questions part of the interview, how good they hit the points, how well they carried themselves when they didn't understand the question. And how they showed their logical thinkings when they were asked problem solving type of questions.

I kinda have interview phobic; always dream that I would say the most stupid or ridiculous thing in an interview. And this is probably one of the reasons why I am so 'loyal' to the company. :) So... sitting on this side of the table kinda makes me wonder how well I can do on the other side.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bum - Day 2

第2日做bum, 感覺上,已經減少咗D睙氣. MBTI話我喺extravert, 自己覺得喺啱, 因為覺得自已enjoy being注意嘅中心. 但MBTI亦都有話intravert要時間避世. 睇怕我應該喺強迫性外向嘅typical IT人.

開始要全面計劃將來, 工字不出頭, 不過出咗頭好似會變咗個土字...

最近睇緊一本関於公関嘅書, "成功心戰兵法", 喺對作者毫不認識之下, 決定投資一下時間讀番本久違咗嘅中文書. 啱啱開始揭咗幾頁, 居然有被drawn in嘅感覺, 睇來我嘅中文俾我想像中好.

Bum - Day 1

Another intensed Sprint is finished, I'm again exhausted. So I took a week off, just want to be a complete bum for the week, just to relax and enjoy some quality time with all the people I care and love.

So here comes day one of being a bum! But as usual, checked email first thing in the morning, and saw some intensed discussion threads, so had to jump in and cleared up a few things. Then I realized that was quite dangerous cuz work can easily suck time as we all know!


Dine out for lunch, mall, playland, costco! The usual weekend stuff, but for some reason, I was really digging it! Though, occasionally, I saw some young couples or young fellows were doing the similar things in a restaurant, or in the shopping mall, and then I was thinking... hmm... Vancouver does have lots of unemployed people or rich people, or maybe stressed dudes like myself. :)