好奇怪! 來到平陽咁耐, 感受到最明顯的歧視竟然喺從一位有着中文姓名的亞裔同仕, 口華! 眞喺頂住頂住!!! 眞喺唔明! 點解同一民族會對自己人有着咁不友善嘅態度, 頂! 好想請佢食mm mm 啊!
The solution isn't very tactical, is it?
Given that we are in the satellite office, and he is in the main office, with the glorious title, well, at least he is thinking that, I bet, I am not sure what I can do. I mean I can't really 'study' him, or, in a less scary term, 'get to know' him, how can I be tactical? 敵不動﹐ 我不動﹖ 問題是敵動﹐ 我點動﹖ 問題的徵結是歧視﹐ 亦或是其他﹖
午飯時間﹐ 讀到“君子”﹐ 實是令我汗顏﹐ 摘下以警效尤!
君子律己以嚴,待人以寬; 小人反之。
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Thank you for linking to my blog. By the way, where is 平陽 ?
I hope it isn't too creepy for someone you don't know to link to your site. But I couldn't resist since your site is full of goodies, and most importantly, I can kinda resemble myself to your situation just cuz we both are in the tech field.
"平陽" is from a Chinese phrase '虎落平陽’。 ﹕) I learned that from a friend. I'm sure you know what it means.
平陽 ... I see. BTW my honor to be linked.
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