Saturday, February 23, 2008


唔知點解哩個世界總係有D ego maniac嘅人, 自以為地球為佢而轉, 有意無意之中, 總有種侍勢凌人, 咄咄逼人嘅氣勢. 遇到哩D人, 心總喺覺得厭煩至極, 仲成日要對口對面, 少一點耐性, 都分分鐘會火山爆發. 哎, 如果唔喺睇錢份上, 第一個走嘅一定喺我. 不過謀定而後動睇怕亦會喺新年計劃之中啦.

睇到sammy兄嘅post, 提到做嘢嘅心態喺成家立室之後變咗,變得積極咗. 睇完總有點慚愧, 其實我亦經歷緊類似嘅path, 成咗家而女兒亦都呀呀學語, 但我嘅心態就點都積極不來, 總有點患得患失, 時而期待退休, 時而又躊躇滿志, 真有點不知所謂!

前幾日睇到思籌之路, 有少少感觸,関系網眞喺好重要, 自問若然公司大地震, 我一定冇可能先知先覺, 睇來眞喺要變變了! 希望眞喺可以窮則變,變則通啦!

Friday, February 15, 2008


雖然一直喺哩間標榜住有上千萬用户的公司從事軟件開發, 但從來都唔覺間公司喺大公司, 直至到最近公司嘅CEO發出一個都幾好笑嘅電邮, 邮件中好婉轉咁提醒我哋一定要完成一個叫做'我依從'嘅課程, 否則有可能被辭退. 睇完邮件不禁啞然失笑, 終於有大公司feel啦!

哩個課程我諗最主要都喺要make sure員工同公司嘅價值觀aligned, 我估. 不過都幾ironic, 因為唔take唔知, 公司都幾有道德! 哈哈!!! 唔知喺咪所有美國上市公司都要粉釋道德呢? 諗落都幾搞笑...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Leadership and Democracy

Another lesson learned in 'The apprentice' show. Did I mention that I am a reality show junky? I guess this becomes very obvious.

In this week's Celebrity Apprentice show, Lennox Lewis (a Heavyweight-Boxing Champion) was a project lead. Piers(a Brit judge in the 'UK got talent', and 'American got talent') challenged his leadership because it seemed that everything that comes to a decision, Lennox would cast a vote. He called that democracy, but Piers called it incompetent, and lack of leadership.

To some degree, I agreed with Piers, but at the same time, I kinda feel for Lennox. The stuff that they were doing (task was to come up with a window play to promote Vera Wang & Serta Mattress) was definitely not one of his areas. So when you are dealing with something that's out of your element, would you not rather be extra careful? Going for the 'democratic' way may be the safest way to get the most popular decision. The main reason I agree with Piers is that all good leaders tend to be control-freaks. It's probably very hard for them to reach decision by casting votes. They would rather have a bad decision than letting others get into their way. But then a good leader would also need to listen to others, and take in the advice, digest and reach to the right decision.

Without subconsciously thinking about leadership, I think I might do the same thing as Lennox. Simply because doing something that is not in my element would somehow lower my confident level, hence, naturally want less responsibility. But when no one in the team is familiar with the area, I would for sure take the flame. Oh well, I guess the moral of the story is that how we can walk the fine line between democracy and have the right control.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Fake it till you make it

I first heard about this expression in 'The Apprentice' (The Martha Stewart version). The contender who expressed this line was immediately fired from that episode. I can't recall what happened, but I kinda wonder if that indeed is a workable Motto.

Being IN the real life for almost a decade now, I kinda wonder if this Motto is what majority of the population uses.

I think one of my biggest problems is that I can't fake. If I don't know something, I can never make it sound intelligent enough that people would buy it. However, I've seen some serious fakers, man, they can talk! But don't ever look down on these fakers, they usually are the key personels in the company. If they know they are the fakers, usually they would be flexible enough to let someone else take the league to push the project forward, and yet, they can fake it so good that others that are not in the loop would think they come up with the solution, hence, they will have promotions after promtions. I used to hate people like that, but lately, I've been thinking, maybe it's time for me to 'grow up'.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Working with the wrong crowds

A friend of mine has decided to go back to HK to further his education and will most likely stayput thereafter. I am happy for him that he finally moves forward and seems that he knows exactly what he wants. I wish him the best of luck, and it should be interesting to see how everything would turn out in a year or two.

I haven't really had time to bond with this friend for a long time, and since I'm very tired from all the weekend overtime, I decided to give myself a little break, so I called him up and arranged a lunch meet. We caught up a lot, and we also talked about his last job. He used to work for a very famous game company here in Vancouver. And he said that he realized that he was in the wrong path in his career 3 months after he started to work there, not only that he didn't really have the desire to do gaming, but also he just hated the whole gaming culture, he felt that he didn't belong there, and yet, he realized that it would do him no good if he quitted at that point. So he hung on to his job until he finished a game from start to end. He described that he had to work with a bunch of people that basically had nothing in common with, and that kinda get met thinking...

I think the situation that i'm currently in is quite similar to his case. The only difference is perhaps I have bigger drive to overcome the problem given the circumstances. So what do you do when you realize you are working with the wrong crowds? You become one of them? or you change them? It all boils down to the question of gain or lost. Do I gain more by becoming one of them? Or vise versa. From the current economic trend, I think stayput might have been the best move. Sigh...